Welcome to Wilhelm Farm
Our 46-acre farm is typical of many small farms and forest ownerships in New England, in both its scale and composition. Much of the land is sloped and unsuited to cultivation; most of the property is wooded. Over its history the farm has operated as a subsistence farm, providing many benefits that fall outside of the measured economy.
The Wilhelm family has owned this farm for over 80 years. During their tenure as land stewards, the family has focused on managing the woods for production of timber, firewood, and wildlife habitat, while the tillable areas have been primarily used to produce food for the family. Surplus was sold or bartered.
Current efforts continue this legacy of stewardship and conservation through the introduction of agroforestry practices and a better understanding of the home economies of self-sufficiency. With the help of a Conservation Innovation Grant, from the Natural Resource Conservation Service, we will document and share our work. Please follow and explore our project through the links below.