Wilhelm Farm


Links to NRCS, Sponsors and other agencies

Natural Resource Conservation Service
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Connecticut

Forest Service
National homepage
National Agroforestry Center


Connecticut Sponsors
Joan Nichols Connecticut Farm Bureau Assoc.
Eric Hammerling, CT Forest & Park Assoc.
John Guszkowski, Connecticut RC&D Area, Inc.
Joanna Shapiro, North Central Conservation District
Tom Worthley, UConn Coop. Ext–For & NR   
Larry Rousseau, CT DEEP, Forestry
Replacement tobe appointed, CT Farmland Trust
Michelle Niedermeyer, Granby Agri. Council
Rick Orluk, Granby Land Trust
Sean Grace, CT Audubon – Forest Bird Habitat Assessment
Mary Tyrell, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies


International Research Organizations
World Agroforestry Centre
Center for International Forestry Research